If you contribute content to Ferns and Lycophytes of the World (FOTW), for example by uploading data (such as images) or commenting on a post, then as a general rule you agree to license that content to FOTW for the duration that the content is on the site. FOTW does not own the copyright to your content. If the copyright of the content you contribute is held by another individual please make sure you have permission to use the content before you upload it to the site.
You agree not to use FOTW to do any of the following: anything that is illegal; anything that would cause nuisance to other users of this site or interfere with the normal running of our services; try to access our system in a way other than those advertised by FOTW.
FOTW works hard to be online 24 hours per day. However, FOTW makes no promises about this. FOTW may also stop supplying any service, temporarily or permanently, or block access to services to anyone for any reason.
As a contributor of FOTW, your name, additional data you provide in your user profile, and uploaded content will be published on pages that are open to the public.
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This Agreement is subject to change without notice at any time. The most current version of our Terms of Use will always be linked to our homepage for you to refer to in the future.