Collection Data (M. Sundue 5117)

Classification & Common Names

General Collection Data
  • Date: 1-II-2022
  • Primary Collector & #: M. Sundue 5117
  • Collection Party: Alejandra Vasco - Weston Testo - Sarah Morris - Susana Vega - Jonatan Castro - Verónica Bedoya - Alejandro Marín
  • Det. History: M. Sundue
  • Habitat: Montane forest
  • Habit: Terrestrial
  • Specimen Locations: BRIT, F, HUA, JAUM, VT
Additional Comments

Leaves 4m long, scandent, lacking leaf buds. Young leaves pale blue, older leaves green. Rhizome creeping. Petioles sulcate and with epipetiolar buds.

Collection Location