Rhizome to 1 cm or more in diam., covered with appressed, copious, dark brown, stout, subulate bristles 4-6 mm, with long hairlike apex. Stipe brownish, up to 1 m, hard, smooth and shiny; lamina 30-50 × 30-40 cm, divided to base into 2 fan-shaped halves, each half deeply dichotomously cleft into 4 or 5 subequal lobes 3-4 cm wide; lobes rather deeply dichotomously cleft into 8-10 ultimate lobes in each half of lamina; lobes entire, coppery green abaxially, glossy green adaxially, lanceolate, leathery, glabrous; venation prominent abaxially, horizontally transverse veinlets ± straight and thicker, forming narrow parallel areoles. Sori without paraphyses.
Terrestrial in forests; 700-1400 m. SE Xizang(Mêdog, NE India.
Observation Data
Classification & Common Names
- Class: Polypodiopsida
- Family: Dipteridaceae
- Genus: Dipteris Reinw.
- Species: Dipteris wallichii (R. Br.) T. Moore
- Var./Subsp.:
- Common name(s):
General Observation Data
- Date: 22-10-2020
- Habitat:
- Habit:
Additional Comments
Mêdog County, Nyingchi City, Tibet, China
- Location: – – – Xizang (Tibet) – China.
- Coordinates:
- Elevation: 1100m