- Crozier
- Habit
- Habit
- Habit
- Adaxial surface
- Apex frond portion (Abaxial side)
- Apex frond portion (Adaxial side)
- Apical pinna
- Sori
- Sori
Observation Data
Classification & Common Names
- Class: Polypodiopsida
- Family: Cyatheaceae
- Genus: Cyathea J. E. Sm.
- Species: Cyathea latevagans (Baker) Domin
- Var./Subsp.:
- Common name(s):
General Observation Data
- Date: 05-08-2019
- Habitat: Pre-montane forest
- Habit: Scandent on vegetation, Terrestrial, Tree fern
Additional Comments
Terrestrial fern with creeping rhizome growing in slopes, in soils with abundant organic matter accumulated. Fronds of 2 m. or more. Common plant observed on the sides of the horseshoe road. Illustration by Jhon Colorado.
La Encarnación, Antioquia, Colombia
- Location: Vereda La Encarnación – – Urrao – Antioquia – Colombia.
- Coordinates: 6.467394, -76.220653
- Elevation: 2152