I cant figure out this fern either. Here are some detailed pics. It started out as a small fern but the rhizome seems to have built up over 10 years or more to be a soft 10″ tall mound of soft scales? At first I cold not find any sori but it seems they are brown and round. One picture looks like it has two types of fronds. It is very scaly and has small bulblet on some of the fertile fronds?? It is a very dainty and pretty fern and hope someone can help me identify it or at least narrow it down. Not sure where I got it. Thanks again in advance for any help! Rob
What is this fern?

Maybe Polystichum andersonii? Definitely a Polystichum, and that is a species with buds on the lamina.
Perhaps a cultivar of Polystichum setiferum.
this is a cultivar of polystichum setiferum !
Wolfram Gassner, Germany
Thank you all!!!