This widespread Neotropical cheilanthoid is the type of the genus, which also includes Mildella fallax of Mexico and Guatemala. Asian species placed in this genus by Hall and Lellinger (1967) (e.g., Mildella henryi) are only distantly related and belong in the genus Aleuritopteris.
- Leaf underside
- Growth habit
- Underside of leaf showing marginal sori and false indusium
Collection Data (W. Testo Testo 669)
Classification & Common Names
- Class: Polypodiopsida
- Family: Pteridaceae
- Genus: Mildella Trevis.
- Species: Mildella intramarginalis (Kaulf. ex Link) Trevis.
- Var./Subsp.:
- Common name(s):
General Collection Data
- Date: 31-12-2014
- Primary Collector & #: W. Testo Testo 669
- Collection Party: W.L. Testo, M. Sundue, D. Barrington, N. Patel
- Det. History: W.L. Testo, February 2015
- Habitat: Road cut
- Habit: Terrestrial
- Specimen Locations: AAU, CR, VT
Additional Comments
In grass near edge of road. In full sun. With Gaga.
Collection Location
- Location: Volcán Barva – – – Heredia – Costa Rica.
- Coordinates: 10.143163N, 84.111787W
- Elevation: 2600m