This species of Dennstaedtia is widespread in the Neotropics, ranging from the Dominican Republic to Bolivia. This plant was growing along an old worn trail in disturbed woods adjacent to a pasture.
- Dave Barrington (left) and Michael Sundue (right) with the plant.
- Rhizome stelar architecture
- Rhizome and petiole bases
- Leaf underside with marginal sori
- Underside of leaf
- Leaf
Collection Data (W. Testo 661)
Classification & Common Names
- Class: Polypodiopsida
- Family: Dennstaedtiaceae
- Genus: Dennstaedtia Moore
- Species: Dennstaedtia obtusifolia (Willd.) T. Moore
- Var./Subsp.:
- Common name(s):
General Collection Data
- Date: 31-12-2014
- Primary Collector & #: W. Testo 661
- Collection Party: W.L. Testo, M. Sundue, D. Barrington, N. Patel
- Det. History: Hugo Navarette (QCA), 2016
- Habitat: Montane forest
- Habit: Terrestrial
- Specimen Locations: CR, VT
Additional Comments
Large terrestrial fern on side of old trail.
Collection Location
- Location: Volcán Barva – – – Heredia – Costa Rica.
- Coordinates: 10.143163N, 84.111787W
- Elevation: 2500m
I think that the name that correspond to this plant is Dennstaedtia obtusifolia. D. arborescens is a non applicable name.
Hugo Navarrete
Thanks Hugo! I will update the determination and attribute it to you.