- Rhizome
- Rachis-costa architecture
- Pinna
- Petiole cross section
- Petiole base with scales
- Leaf
- Habit
Pteris podophylla Sw. is a widespread species found in middle elevation forests throughout much of the Neotropics, ranging from Mexico and the Greater Antilles to Bolivia and Brazil. It is one of a group of species that are characterized by their very large size (to 3m tall) and tripartite, often pedate leaf arrangement. Pteris tripartita Sw. is a very similar species that can be distinguished by its V-shaped (vs. U-shaped in P. podophylla) sinuses on its laminar segments and occurrence at lower elevations. At the site where I collected this plant, it was co-occurring with another large tripartitely leaved species, Pteris livida Mett., with which it formed a hybrid.
Collection Data (W. Testo Testo 634)
Classification & Common Names
- Class: Polypodiopsida
- Family: Pteridaceae
- Genus: Pteris L.
- Species: Pteris podophylla Sw.
- Var./Subsp.:
- Common name(s):
Collection Location
- Location: – – – San José – Costa Rica.
- Coordinates: 9.549N, 83.803W
- Elevation: 2250m