Another beautiful cultivated species that I saw during my short trip to California. Bommeria is characterized by pedate, pentagonal laminae with sporangia spreading along free veins. The indument of the upper surface consists of many unicellular hairs. The genus has only 5 species and occurs from the SW United States to Costa Rica. It is similar to Doryopteris, which differs by glabrous laminae and usually anastomosing veins.
- habit
- young leaves
- view from below
- petiole x-section
- abaxial detail
- abaxial side
- laminar base
- adaxial detail
- adaxial side
Observation Data
Classification & Common Names
- Class: Polypodiopsida
- Family: Pteridaceae
- Genus: Bommeria E. Fourn.
- Species: Bommeria hispida (Mett. ex Kuhn) Underw.
- Var./Subsp.:
- Common name(s):
- Location: – Orinda – Contra Costa County – California – United States.
- Coordinates: 37.882778, -122.179722
- Elevation: 300 m