A personal highlight for me during field work in Papua New Guinea in 2013Â was finding Tomophyllum beleense. These plants have thin membranaceous laminae covered in long hairs. They are confined to relatively dry, protected areas, usually beneath limbs or trunks of large trees. They show remarkable similarity to the Neotropical genus Alansmia, which has similar morphology and is found in the same habitat niche.
Collection Data (S. A. James & M. Sundue 1703)
Classification & Common Names
- Class: Polypodiopsida
- Family: Polypodiaceae
- Genus: Tomophyllum (E. Fourn.) Parris
- Species: Tomophyllum beleense (Copel.) Parris
- Var./Subsp.:
- Common name(s):
General Collection Data
- Date: 22-Feb-2013
- Primary Collector & #: S. A. James & M. Sundue 1703
- Collection Party: Michael Sundue & Si He
- Det. History: B. S. Parris
- Habitat: Primary Forest
- Habit: Epiphyte
- Specimen Locations: AK, BISH, LAE, VT
Additional Comments
Low trunk epiphyte, leaves arching.
Collection Location
- Location: Mt. Gohavisuka Provincial Park – – – Eastern Highlands – Papua New Guinea.
- Coordinates: 6°1'S, 145°25'E
- Elevation: 2300 m