I collected this species in 2006, during my first trip to Pico das Almas, Bahia. Unfortunately, I was never able to identify it correctly, partly because it was not included in “Flora of the Pico das Almas” (Stannard, 1995). Thanks to Benjamin Øllgaard, we now know that this is not only a new record for this mountain, but also a tremendous range extension for P. erythrocaulon, which was previously known only from Minas Gerais. Morphologically, it resembles P. biformis (Hook.) B. Øllg. by the differentiated constricted distal divisions.
- P. erythrocaulon – terrestrial
- P. erythrocaulon – epiphytic
- P. erythrocaulon – note the highly reduced sporophylls
Collection Data (F.B. Matos 1052)
Classification & Common Names
- Class: Lycopodiopsida
- Family: Lycopodiaceae
- Genus: Phlegmariurus (Herter) Holub
- Species: Phlegmariurus erythrocaulon (Fée) B. Øllg.
- Var./Subsp.:
- Common name(s):
General Collection Data
- Date: 26-I-2006
- Primary Collector & #: F.B. Matos 1052
- Collection Party: J.L. Paixão, S.C. Sant'Ana & L.C. Gomes
- Det. History: B. Øllgaard, 2014; (from photos)
- Habitat: Campos rupestres, Forest enclave
- Habit: Epiphyte
- Specimen Locations: CEPEC
Additional Comments
Label data has incomplete information about the habitat, stating that the specimen was growing as terrestrial, but failing to mention that it was also epiphytic.
Collection Location
- Location: Pico das Almas – – Rio de Contas – Bahia – Brazil.
- Coordinates: -13.550000, -41.950000
- Elevation: 1850 m
Wow, really interesting growth habit
It gets more interesting than that: I just found another picture of the same species growing as terrestrial (see above)! I think that I gave them the same collection number, but forgot to include the epiphytic habit on the label.