Cyclodium is entirely neotropical and contains about 10 species. The genus was revised by Alan Smith in 1986 [American Fern Journal 76: 2, pp. 56–98], who mentioned that this particular species is “the most widely distributed and variable of all cyclodiums”. In general, these plants can be recognized by creeping rhizomes, dimorphic fertile-sterile leaves, coriaceous blades, round sori (often confluent at maturity), and large peltate indusia.
- C. meniscioides – habit
- C. meniscioides – fertile leaf
- C. meniscioides – sori
Collection Data (F.B. Matos 924)
Classification & Common Names
- Class: Polypodiopsida
- Family: Dryopteridaceae
- Genus: Cyclodium C. Presl
- Species: Cyclodium meniscioides (Willd.) C. Presl
- Var./Subsp.: meniscioides
- Common name(s):
General Collection Data
- Date: 08-II-2006
- Primary Collector & #: F.B. Matos 924
- Collection Party: A.M. Amorim, J.L. Paixão, S.C. Sant'Ana et al.
- Det. History: F.B. Matos, 2006
- Habitat: Atlantic Forest
- Habit: Terrestrial
- Specimen Locations: CEPEC, UPCB
Additional Comments
Collection Location
- Location: Reserva do Alto Cariri – – Santa Maria do Salto – Minas Gerais – Brazil.
- Coordinates: -16.406389, -40.054444
- Elevation: 950 m
wooooww! beautiful pic Fernando !
Thanks a lot, Christian! I am glad that you liked it.