Five species of Serpocaulon are reported to grow on Santa Catarina Island (S. catharinae, S. latipes, S. meniscifolium, S. triseriale, and S. vacillans). I believe this collection is S. latipes because it is terrestrial, has a greenish rhizome (which is only slightly rugose when dry), and laminae that are pinnatisect and glabrous. However, I did not find scales at the costule bases (see image below). Labiak and Prado (New Combinations in Serpocaulon and a Provisional Key for the Atlantic Rain Forest Species. Amer. Fern J. 98:139–159 [2008]) state that there is a lot of variation in this species because it occurs in many habitats.
- Habit
- Abaxial surface
- Costule base
- Adaxial surface
- Rhizome and petiole
- Rhizome cross section
- Rhizome scales
Collection Data (N. P. Smith 458)
Classification & Common Names
- Class: Polypodiopsida
- Family: Polypodiaceae
- Genus: Serpocaulon A. R. Sm.
- Species: Serpocaulon latipes (Langsd. & Fisch.) A. R. Sm.
- Var./Subsp.:
- Common name(s):
General Collection Data
- Date: 08-I-2014
- Primary Collector & #: N. P. Smith 458
- Collection Party:
- Det. History: N. Smith, 2014; F. Matos (confirmed from photo), 2014
- Habitat: Secondary Forest
- Habit: Terrestrial
- Specimen Locations:
Additional Comments
Growing in sandy soil on side of trail.
Collection Location
- Location: Parque Municipal da Lagoa do Peri – – Florianópolis – Santa Catarina – Brazil.
- Coordinates: -27.742433, -48.514075
- Elevation: ca. 30 m