Another one from the coastal plains of Eastern Brazil. Blechnum serrulatum is perhaps the most widely distributed species of Blechnum, occurring from S Florida and the Antilles to NE Argentina, Malaysia, New Caledonia, and Australia. In the New World, this is the only species of Blechnum with articulations between the pinnae and the rachis (see photos).
- B. serrulatum – Habitat
- B. serrulatum – stem
- B. serrulatum – branch bud
- B. serrulatum – stem x-section
- B. serrulatum – stem x-section
- B. serrulatum – aerophore
- B. serrulatum – Reddish young leaves
- B. serrulatum – Sori and articulation
- B. serrulatum – abaxial
- B. serrulatum – adaxial
- B. serrulatum – young sori
- B. serrulatum – Leaf apex
- B. serrulatum – fertile leaf
- B. serrulatum – Leaf adaxially
- B. serrulatum – Leaf abaxially
- B. serrulatum – articulation
Collection Data (F.B. Matos & C. Matos 2391)
Classification & Common Names
- Class: Polypodiopsida
- Family: Blechnaceae
- Genus: Telmatoblechnum Perrie et al.
- Species: Telmatoblechnum serrulatum (Rich.) Perrie, D.J. Ohlsen & Brownsey
- Var./Subsp.:
- Common name(s):
General Collection Data
- Date: 30-XII-2013
- Primary Collector & #: F.B. Matos & C. Matos 2391
- Collection Party:
- Det. History: F.B. Matos, XII.2013
- Habitat: Restinga
- Habit: Terrestrial
- Specimen Locations: UPCB
Additional Comments
Collection Location
- Location: – – Pontal do Paraná – Paraná – Brazil.
- Coordinates: -25.584059, -48.358802
- Elevation: at sea level
Beatifull pictures, B. serrulatum will be a new genus promptly published in a new paper of José María Gabriel y Galán and me.
Gracias, Alexander! I am looking forward to read your new paper. Please let me know when it comes out, and I will update the nomenclature on this post. Saludos desde Brasil…