Among the terrestrial dimorphic species of Blechnum in the Andes, P. lechleri is distinguished by its elongate vermiform aerophores that emerge from the mucilage present on young developing leaves. It is most similar to P. cordatum, but that species is characterized by smaller ridge-like aerophores. Species boundaries in this group are not well understood and more taxonomic study is needed.
- Mucilageneous young leaf
- Rachis and pinna with promiment aerophore
- Abaxial surface of pinna
- Aerophores emerging from mucilage
Collection Data (M. Sundue 3281)
Classification & Common Names
- Class: Polypodiopsida
- Family: Blechnaceae
- Genus: Parablechnum C. Presl
- Species: Parablechnum lechleri (Mett.) Gasper & Salino
- Var./Subsp.:
- Common name(s):
General Collection Data
- Date: 08-IX-2012
- Primary Collector & #: M. Sundue 3281
- Collection Party: M. Sundue, J. Betancur, P. Pedraza, G. Giraldo, M. Jaimes, E. Tineo, M. Londono, A. Duque, L. Arias
- Det. History: M. Sundue
- Habitat: Primary Forest
- Habit: Terrestrial
- Specimen Locations: COL, NY, VT
Additional Comments
Collection Location
- Location: Parque Nacional Natural Las Orquideas – – Frontino – Antioquia – Colombia.
- Coordinates: 6°38'20.7"N, 76°12'30.1"W
- Elevation: