Most species of Dryopteris are from Asia, but about 30 occur in the New World. The genus is far more diverse in north-temperate regions, with relatively few species occurring at high elevations in the tropics. There are only three species in Brazil (i.e., D. huberi, D. patula, and D. wallichiana), and my personal mission for 2014 is to find all of them to share here with you.
- D. wallichiana – habit
- D. wallichiana – fiddlehead
- D. wallichiana – lamina adaxially
- D. wallichiana – sori
Collection Data (F.B. Matos 2212)
Classification & Common Names
- Class: Polypodiopsida
- Family: Dryopteridaceae
- Genus: Dryopteris Adans.
- Species: Dryopteris wallichiana (Spreng.) Hyl.
- Var./Subsp.:
- Common name(s):
General Collection Data
- Date: 12-II-2013
- Primary Collector & #: F.B. Matos 2212
- Collection Party: B.K. Canestraro & J.B. Pereira
- Det. History: F.B. Matos, II.2013
- Habitat:
- Habit: Terrestrial
- Specimen Locations: NY, UPCB
Additional Comments
Collection Location
- Location: Parque Nacional Itatiaia – – Resende – Rio de Janeiro – Brazil.
- Coordinates: -22.391111, -44.673611
- Elevation: 2200 m
Can’t wait!