Diplazium wolfii is a provisional determination for this collection. It agrees with images of the type at B but differs from other material residing under this name at AAU [see http://herbarium.au.dk/database/] by having sub-acute instead of acute segment apices. If this name is correctly applied, it constitutes a new record for Colombia.
- Young plant emerging from a proliferous bud in a distal pinna axil.
- Rhizome and petiole scales on a young plant emerging from a proliferous bud
- Young plant emerging from a proliferous bud in a distal pinna axil.
- Upper leaf surface
- Lower leaf surface. The indusia are ciliate.
- Lower leaf surface
Collection Data (M. Sundue 3301)
Classification & Common Names
- Class: Polypodiopsida
- Family: Athyriaceae
- Genus: Diplazium Sw.
- Species: Diplazium wolfii Hieron.
- Var./Subsp.:
- Common name(s):
General Collection Data
- Date: 09-IX-2012
- Primary Collector & #: M. Sundue 3301
- Collection Party: M. Sundue, J. Betancur, P. Pedraza, G. Giraldo, M. Jaimes, E. Tineo, M. Londono, A. Duque, L. Arias
- Det. History: M. Sundue
- Habitat: Primary Forest
- Habit: Terrestrial
- Specimen Locations: COL, NY, VT
Additional Comments
Collection Location
- Location: Parque Nacional Natural Las Orquideas – – Frontino – Antioquia – Colombia.
- Coordinates: 6°38'20.7"N, 76°12'30.1"W
- Elevation: 1700-1750 m